Week 1a: Introduction

Saving money isn’t always easy. Changing you and your family's money habits can be challenging, but that said, you CAN change your mindset and save money for your future, and for things in life you and your family crave, such as taking a family trip, putting your kids through college, buying nice things, and an occasional high quality date night with your spouse.

The first step to powering up your savings mindset is to set goals and priorities. Why do you want to save money? What does that saved money do for you and your family? 

Here are some examples of reasons for why you may want to save money:

  • Funding a down payment on a new home
  • Creating an emergency fund
  • Taking your family on a dream vacation
  • Paying for your children’s college
  • Retiring early
  • Having enough money so that one spouse can stay home and raise the kids

Saving money is exciting! It’s not about eliminating everything fun in life and hoarding cash away forever. Instead, it’s about planning for you, your spouse's, and your kids future. Do you and your spouse have a target retirement year? Do you want to put your kids through college? Are there experiences you want to have with your family that costs money that you need to save for?

These are all examples. 

When you’re intentional about saving money, you set your family up for success in the future. In this course, you’re going to learn how to save money across many different aspects of your family's lives, without sacrificing everything they love. That’s the beauty of it. 

Use the attached worksheet to come up with as many things that you can think of that you want to save money for you and your family. This could be anything at all, such as saving to have enough to retire, to buy a new house, to fund your children’s college education, an awesome vacation, or anything else. You can save for smaller things like home improvements, appliances, fancy gadgets for your kids, a new computer, and more.

Once you’ve come up with what you want to save for, write down approximately how much money you believe you’ll need to save. You can use a rough estimate. Go for it!

what to save money for.pdf
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